Top Tips for Long-Lasting Lash Extensions: Maintenance and Aftercare

Lash extensions have become a popular beauty trend that can transform your appearance by giving you fuller, longer, and more defined eyelashes. To keep your lash extensions looking their best and to maintain the health of your natural lashes, you need to follow a maintenance and aftercare routine. This is crucial not only for the longevity of your lash extensions but also for your eye health.

Why Consider Lash Extensions?

Lash extensions are not just about adding an extra oomph to your beauty routine; they offer several benefits that go beyond aesthetics. First, they can save you time. If you're someone who spends a good chunk of your morning applying mascara and curling your lashes, lash extensions can streamline your routine. Wake up with ready-to-go, beautiful lashes, and forget the smudging or flaking that comes with traditional mascara.

Secondly, lash extensions can boost your confidence. Having a set of full, dark lashes can make your eyes look wider and more awake, enhancing your natural beauty and giving you a more polished appearance without the need for makeup. They can be a game-changer for special occasions, vacations, or everyday glamour.

Tips for Long-Lasting Lash Extensions

To ensure the longevity of your lash extensions and to keep them looking as luscious as the day you got them, follow these essential tips. The first tip is to avoid water and steam for the first 24 to 48 hours after application. Water can weaken the adhesive before it sets completely, causing the extensions to fall out prematurely. It's also important to avoid saunas, steam rooms, and heavy workouts that cause excessive sweating during this initial period.

Second, be gentle with your lashes. Avoid rubbing your eyes and be careful when cleansing your face. It's best to use a gentle, oil-free cleanser and avoid any products with oils near your eyes, as these can break down the adhesive. When drying your face, pat gently around the eyes instead of rubbing or pulling.

Lastly, invest in a good quality lash comb or spoolie brush. Combing through your lashes gently every morning will help maintain their neatness and prevent any crisscrossing or tangling. Always comb gently and avoid pulling on the extensions to maintain their integrity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Lash Extension Aftercare

Each morning, take the time to brush your lashes with a clean spoolie brush to keep them in place. If you must use eye makeup, opt for oil-free products and apply them carefully, avoiding the lash line. When removing makeup, use a gentle, oil-free makeup remover and a cotton swab to carefully clean around the eyes.

At night, your lash extensions need care as well. Try to sleep on your back to avoid crushing your lashes against your pillow. If you're a side sleeper, consider getting a silk pillowcase which allows your lashes to glide smoothly, minimizing the risk of them getting caught or bent as you sleep. If necessary, you can use a lash sealant once a week to provide an extra layer of protection against dirt and oil.

Regular fills are a must to keep your lash extensions looking full and fresh. Depending on your natural lash growth cycle, you'll need to visit your lash technician every 2 to 4 weeks for a fill. This involves adding extensions to new natural lashes that have grown in and replacing any extensions that have fallen out.

If you decide that you want to remove your lash extensions, always have them removed professionally. Attempting to remove them yourself can result in damage to your natural lashes. A professional will use a special remover that dissolves the glue without harming your natural lashes.


Lash extensions can be a beautiful enhancement to your natural beauty, but they require a commitment to proper aftercare. By following these tips and dedicating yourself to a consistent maintenance routine, your lash extensions can last longer and look stunning throughout their lifespan.

For further guidance on lash extension maintenance and aftercare or if you are ready for your next lash fill, visit BL Spa at our office in Glendale, Arizona. Call (602) 675-1776 to schedule an appointment today.

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