What Are the Different Types of Facials?

What Are the Different Types of Facials?



From dry skin to redness, many people struggle to make their skin look great and feel good. Your skin's health is constantly threatened by pollution, the sun, and other elements. Unfortunately, your face is the most exposed and receives the full brunt of the attack. 

Luckily, there are expert facial treatments that can help improve your skin. Facials effectively rejuvenate your skin, combating acne and restoring elasticity. Yet, finding the right facial that complements your needs and skin type can be daunting. The best solution is to discuss your needs with an expert. 


To help, here are a few varieties of facials that can work wonders on your skin.



The Classic Facial



A classic facial is also known as a basic facial. It involves a series of beauty treatments for restoring clear complexion, balance, and health to your skin. It leaves your skin looking fresh and feeling soft. The classic facial is more than traditional moisturizing, toning, and cleansing. 

The treatment varies according to your needs and skin type. Expert beauticians perform extraction by using steam to open up your pores. Then, they will scrub your face, remove dead skin, and give you a massage. This 50-minute facial relaxes you with an enzyme and face mask facial.



Mini Facial



It is a shorter version of a classic European facial. Normally done in a 40-minute session, you can comfortably complete it during your lunch break. During this session, you will enjoy manual exfoliation, cleansing, and a face mask facial. Additionally, you will receive an arm, hand massage, and expert skin analysis.



Deluxe Facial



It is a 70-minute, full European facial. It includes massages to your neck, upper arm, face, head, and scalp massage. Additionally, you will receive an enzyme and face mask facial. This comes with two enhancements. You can choose from EMINENCE® or Jan Marini®.



Acne Facial



This skincare treatment is specially designed for people who experience blackheads and constant breakouts. This facial will leave your skin clear, clean, and healthy. During this 60-minute facial, expert beauticians use a glycolic or salicylic acid peels and enzyme face mask facial to exfoliate your skin. Unlike other treatments, this includes LED treatment and extractions. You will also receive a scalp and hand massage from the esthetician.



Men’s Bearded Facial



Just because you are going to get a facial does not mean you have to ditch your beard. A lot of the products used during men’s bearded facials are quite beneficial to your facial hair. They make it look healthier and shinier. 


The treatment takes about 50 minutes and involves an enzyme and face mask facial. It also incorporates extractions and skin analysis. To top it off, you get a massage on your upper arm, neck, scalp, and hand. If you must shave, do it at least 24 hours before the treatment. Freshly-shaven skin is more susceptible to irritation.


For more information on facials, visit BL Spa at our office in Glendale, Arizona. You can also call (602) 675-1776 to book an appointment today.

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