Finding the Best Haircut for Your Face Shape

Are you trying to pick a new haircut? If so, one of the most important factors to consider is the shape of your face. You can choose the trendiest cut out there, but if it does not work with your face, you will not achieve the look you want. Instead of picking the freshest trend, choose a haircut that suits your face shape. 



Why You Should Identify Your Face Shape



Perhaps you believe that confidence is all you need to pull off any haircut. In a sense, that may be true. However, there is nothing wrong with identifying your face shape before picking a haircut. 


While you are free to go with whatever look you like, you want to draw attention to your beautiful, unique facial features. It will also give you peace of mind while waiting for your stylist to show you the finished product.


Whether your face is circular, square, oval, rectangular, diamond-shaped, heart-shaped, or triangular, the proper cut will balance and frame it perfectly. It will also emphasize your best features for a complementary and flattering appearance. 



What Is Your Face Shape?



Before getting a haircut that you think is most flattering, you should identify your face shape. If you do not know how to do so, tie your hair back and take a photograph of yourself facing the camera. Then, trace the outside of your face to determine the shape it most resembles. You can measure your face, focusing on the width of your jawline, cheekbones, and brow and the length from the chin to the forehead to determine its proportions. 


When doing so, you will be able to identify the shape it most closely resembles. For instance, if it is the same width and length, you likely have either a round or square face. If it becomes broader from your forehead to your jawline, it is a triangular face. A good hair stylist will tell you the shape of your face and help you find the most appropriate and stylish haircut.



Oval Face



Those with oval faces should consider themselves lucky since they can get away with various cuts. But if you are looking for a trendy look with impact, consider a short, cute crop or long locks. 



Rectangular Face



Do you have a rectangular face? If so, choose a cut that will soften the appearance of your sharp forehead and jaw without further elongating your face. For example, a soft layered cut should enhance your cheekbones and disguise the corners of your face.



Square Face



If you have a square face, choose a haircut that will soften your wide cheekbones, broad forehead, and strong jawline. A side-parted style, for example, will help you achieve a flattering appearance that complements your bone structure.



Heart-shaped Face



If you have this type of face, you likely have a broad forehead, cheekbones, narrow jawline, and chin. If so, you want to choose a cut that will balance your face shape. The style should increase the width of the lower part of your face while decreasing your brow width.


There are many other types of face shapes, so no single cut will suit every face shape. To find the best haircut for you, consult a good hairstylist.  


For more on face shapes and haircuts, visit BL Spa at our Glendale, Arizona office. Call (602) 675-1776 to schedule an appointment today.

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